Dialogue, meetings and discovering the company

Internship for 14-15 year-olds: discovering the professional world

The objective is to help 14-15 year-old students to gain initial experience of the company and learn about a broad range of professions. The experience will take the form of an internship authorised by their school.

Interns will be selected from secondary schools in priority education areas.


  • Build on an existing structure, initiated by the TF1 Foundation seven years ago.
  • Pool the internship experience with other companies. This year, four companies have volunteered to take part: TF1, Téléshopping, Coca Cola and Adecco.


  • Reduce the time spent by the students at each company and increase the number of interns taken on.
  • Bring the students a more enriching experience through the discovery of a number of professions.

To apply, send an email to candidature@tf1.fondation.fr


Meetings in secondary schools and universities

In addition to its aim of helping young people find out more about the channel, the TF1 Foundation organises meetings between journalists and programme hosts with students, giving rise to real debate on the way news is treated in news programmes and other shows.

Visit of TF1 sets

The Foundation organises visits of TF1 sets.

To apply, send an email to candidature@tf1.fondation.fr