Charlotte Bouygues

Born July 29, 1991 – French citizenship

Permanent representative of SCDM in its capacity as Director of TF1 since 28 May 2020

Number of shares held by SCDM: 100

Business address:  32, avenue Hoche – 75008 Paris 

Charlotte Bouygues graduated from Babson College in the United States, where she specialised in strategic management. She was product marketing manager at L’Oréal in the United States for three years, before joining TF1 Publicité in September 2016 where she held a post in advertising sales. Two years later she joined the programming teams, as
a programmer for the TF1 channel. She held the position of E-Commerce Director at aufeminin, a TF1 subsidiary, from 2019 to 2021. Today, she is starting up a cosmetics brand and overseeing the B2C activities of the SCDM holding company. 

Other directorships and positions within the TF1 group


Other directorships and positions outside the TF1 group

Strategy Director at SCDM, Permanent representative of SCDM on the Board of Directors of Bouygues (listed company), Director of Bouygues Telecom, Director of Bouygues Construction, Director of Heling, Chairwoman of Systerre, Chairwoman of Nhectar, Director of the Conseil des Grands Crus Classés du Médoc.

Former directosrhips and positions held in the past five years 

2020 - Permanent representative of SCDM in its capacity as a Corporate Director of Bouygues SA (listed company)